Karla Carbo - Can Life Coaching Help Kids

 Karlacarbo : Caregiving can be draining on you and your loved ones. However, there is help and support available to you. Brain injury takes place in an instant. There’s a sudden change for the caregiver, and you are pitched into caregiving responsibility untaught and largely unprepared.

As a caregiver, you develop a new set of skills. You discover new dimensions in life you knew present. You tap into personal resources and discover that you’re creative and have amazing endurance and strength.

At some points along the way, you find restrictions to your strengths and challenges to endurance, come to the end of the resources, and find yourself isolated as well as worn – Karla Carbo Utah.

Karla Carbo - Can Life Coaching Help Kids

A lot of caregivers of people with brain injury concentrate on their health and loved ones and needs to the exclusion of their own. This admirable and understandable devotion often sets the caregiver up for debilitating anger, guilt, depression, and burnout. It’s normal to feel wrong about the challenges and changes you now have in your life. Are you aware that allowing yourself to acknowledge that feeling bad is normal with help you start to feel good?


According to many caregivers, they have no time to go to their doctor’s appointments or visit another family. Studies have shown that emotions and the mind can affect the health of the body. Giving yourself time for self-care is not just fine; it is vital. 


During coaching, Karla Carbo will explore your challenges, discover and celebrate your inner strengths and resources, clarify what you wish to change for the better, and develop step-by-step plans to help and encourage you. 

Many of us who have dealt with TBI have been wonderfully resourceful, have taken edge of each support available, and still, at some point, have come to a barrier, the end of the resources, on your last nerveKarla Carbo can help reinstate your vision, identify and get rid of obstacles, eliminate tolerations, which sap your energy, and tap deep into inner understanding that will bring you to a life you define as winning.




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