Is there Any Difference Between Life Coaching and Therapy? - Karlacarbo
As life coaching becomes a more popular method of navigating complex paths in life, there are many questions about whether or not it is traditional therapy, how it may relate to therapy or if they’re interchangeable.
In therapy, the focus is on dealing with the past. The therapist leads their clients in the healing process, helping them develop coping skills they can use on their own once they have obtained wholeness. A professional therapist can assist clients in reaching the source of their fears, the obstacles that usually prevent us from getting our utmost potential.
In life coaching, the main focus is on the present and the future. Coaching clients might have already experienced therapy and will therefore anticipate the same kind of experience. On the other hand, as a professional coach, Karla Carbo works hand in hand with her clients as they lead the way. She is a professional life coach who helps clients manage their fears, reducing them so they can live healthy life and obtain higher goals.
She also assists clients in uncovering hidden passions, leading to a more fulfilled life focused on value-based choices. She holds her clients as creative, resourceful, and whole from the very start of the relationship.
Traditional therapy and life coaching can complement each other. But, when a therapist is utilizing coaching methods, it is best if the client knows that a coaching method is being used or applied. The client is empowered more holistically whenever coaching techniques are used to boost the therapy experience of the client.
As a life coach, Karla Carbo is trained to listen for cues and to utilize her training, curiosity, intuition, resources, and experience. With these tools, she guides her clients down the paths they choose. Sometimes, her clients need to be made aware of the ways they have unconsciously chosen. That is where her expertise as a life coach comes into play. She and her clients walk these paths together, discovering new dreams, goals, and opportunities. The outcome is a more fulfilled, balanced life for each of her clients and, in some cases, a new direction to a dream previously unrealized.
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